Have you been experiencing itchiness in your eyes for the past couple of days? Do they get watery too frequently? Has there been persistent redness?
Sounds like a case of blepharitis!
Blepharitis is an inflammatory eye condition of the eyelids that affects almost 30 million Americans. It has different subtypes, each of which is triggered by certain factors. These include:
· Anterior blepharitis, which is caused by scalp or eyebrow dandruff. It affects the outer region of the eye, where the eyelashes are attached to the eyelids.
· Posterior blepharitis, which is caused by the irregular production of oil by the eye glands. It affects the inner region of the eye where the eyelid comes in contact with the eyeball.

What the Symptoms Look Like
When the eyelids become inflamed, you may experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms. In addition to the redness and itchiness, you may also have swelling in your eyelids. There’s also usually a stinging or burning sensation experienced.
Other symptoms include:
· Crustiness near the eyelids/eyelashes
· Stickiness of the eyelids
· Light sensitivity
· Blurred vision
· Dry eyes
· Constant feeling of something being inside the eye
Prevention Begins At Home!
While blepharitis doesn’t have a cure, it can easily be prevented and kept from recurring through simple self-care techniques.
First and foremost, you must take extra care about keeping your eyes clean. This means carefully cleansing the lids and the lashes with cold water, and using a clean washcloth to dry your eyes. Care must also be taken to avoid rubbing your eyes with dirty fingers or an unclean handkerchief. By keeping your face and hands clean, you can ensure that your eyes aren’t exposed to dirt or other contaminants.
Another thing that helps with eye cleanliness in case of blepharitis is using a diluted solution of baby shampoo and water to scrub your eyes gently. Take a cotton swab and add a few drops of the diluted mixture. Next, dab your eyelid gently to loosen dandruff and crusts accumulating on the lashes and lid. Splash your eye with cold water to wash off the debris, and use a clean washcloth to pat-dry your eyelid. Warm compressions using a clean washcloth are also effective in keeping blepharitis at bay.
Be careful about your usage of cosmetics, especially eye makeup. Avoid or limit using eye makeup and accessories that can contaminate or hurt your eye. If you do use eye makeup, make sure you’re removing it all entirely before going to bed, and aren’t rubbing your eyes while wearing them.
Blepharitis is often associated with facial rosacea as well. If you are prone to skin redness, blemishes, and acne which then trigger blepharitis, consult a dermatologist. It’s also recommended to use products designed for sensitive or rosacea-prone skin.
With these easy self-care tactics, you can prevent your symptoms of blepharitis. However, don’t substitute self-care for a proper medical eye exam should you experience any of these symptoms. Visit an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment for your condition.
Make an appointment at our clinic in North Miami for further questions and concerns!