Services by your optometrist in North Miami | Eye Exam in North Miami for glasses, contact lenses and ocular disease

Eye Exam for Glasses
The eye exam starts with a thorough review of your medical and visual history, so as to understand the risk factors of the problems affecting your vision.
Certain medications and diseases have the potential to impact your vision and this is important information we must collect before your exam. We also try to understand what your vision needs by factoring in the nature of your work and office environment. Once all that information is gathered, the physical examination begins.
There is a certain set of tests that is required for a routine eye exam for glasses or contact lenses, both by Florida regulations and by accepted standard of care.
A contact lens evaluation is necessary for anyone who wishes to wear contacts or continue wearing contact lenses. ​
A contact lens is a medical device that is in contact with the eye. Because of that, things can go wrong if the lens is poorly chosen or the patient is not compliant.
During the evaluation, we will assess the state of the ocular structures. Signs of intolerance to contact lenses includes eye lid "bumps", and vessels growing in the cornea, indicating a lack of oxygenation.
We will review the patient's compliance: we need to make sure you don't sleep with your contact lenses and replace the contact lenses as designed. Once we have reviewed the elements of the routine eye exam and those items, we will provide you with diagnostic contact lenses. They are meant to assess the 3 key points of a successful contact lens wear: " Vision, comfort and safety." ​
The patient will try those contact lenses for a week or so and return to the office. After discussion with the patient and an evaluation of the lens on the eye, a decision will be made : either write a prescription for those contact lenses if everything is well, or try another set of diagnostic contact lenses to address problem with current ones. The process will be repeated until both the doctor and the patient are satisfied with the lenses. ​
With current technologies, we can virtually use soft contact lenses on any patient. Contact lenses are available for myopia, hyperopia , astigmatism, presbyopia. There are different replacement schedules on the market: daily disposable contact lenses, bi-weekly or monthly contact lenses. ​
Come see your optometrist in North Miami for a contact lens evaluation today.


Evaluation of ocular emergencies are case by case specific.
They are meant to identify the source of the problem, remove it and treat signs and symptoms to improve patient comfort and speed up resolution. Treatments are a combination of in office procedure (like removing a corneal foreign body) and judicious use of medications, oral medication or eye drops to treat the condition, usually inflammation or an infection .

When it comes to Lasik , success for the patient is the result of good team work from the medical providers and use of the best equipment. Dr Nicolas Gilberg, your optometrist in North Miami, works with some of Miami best refractive surgeons to maximize your chances of satisfaction with Lasik surgery procedures.
In short, the corner stone is to identify if the patient is a good candidate and to go over the visual expectations. Not everyone is a good Lasik candidate. ​
If you are interested in Lasik or thinking about it, let's have a conversation!

Diabetes is sadly one of the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Poorly controlled diabetes results in damage to the blood vessels inside the eye. From there, there is a cascade of problems including bleeding, scarring,, fluid accumulation and sometimes retinal detachments. Those lead to blindness if no action is taken.
At early stages, there are no symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. ​
This is why the guideline is to get a dilated fundus eye exam every year in all diabetic patients to make sure there is no diabetic retinopathy. ​
To learn more about diabetic retinopathy: https://nei.nih.gov/health/diabetic/retinopathy