Eye Exam For Contacts
Comprehensive Eye Exams with Expert
Optometrists in North Miami

A contact lens examination, also known as a contact lens fitting, is a multi step process to assess the possibility of using contact lenses for your eyes. This assessment includes a medical eye exam to determine whether lenses are suitable for you and if there are any contra-indications, then comes a series of measurements to help determine the best theoretical contact lenses for your particular needs.
Vision correction with contact lens is a delicate process owing to the sensitive nature and physiology of the eyes; eyes can be easily irritated by mechanical contact, chemistry changes in the tear film and changes in oxygenation. As such a contact lens evaluation is a little more challenging than a routine eye exam for glasses.
Contact lens examinations can be divided into the 3 following steps:
1. Medical Evaluation
A contact lens is essentially a foreign body, that will sit on top of the cornea. If the contact lens if poorly chosen, or if the patient uses the contact lenses the wrong way, suboptimal results or serious complications can arise.
Before we fit a new patient with contact lenses, we must review prior history of contact lens use, which includes compliance evaluation. Regardless of patient history, we always assess tissues at the front of the eye. We look for signs of lack of oxygenation, intolerance to contact lenses as well as corneal scars from prior contact lens infections.
Your doctors will look for any tissue abnormalities to decide whether contact lenses will create further complications or not. This includes for instance checking your eyelids for “bumps” called papillaes which can indicate intolerance or allergy to contact lenses and checking blood vessels growing in the cornea indicating a lack of oxygenation.

2. Compliance Review
With today modern contact lens materials,Most complications from contact lens use arise from neglect or non-compliance with precautionary measures on part of the patient. A common example of such lack of compliance t is forgetting to take off your contacts before sleeping; this increases greatly the risk of development of corneal ulcers, other infections and in severe cases, permanent loss of vision.
A safe contact lens fit will respect natural function of the eye; for instance we need to make sure the contact lens does not create dryness or a severe lack of oxygen both of which are necessary for normal eye tissue physiology.
Once your optometrist has assessed the state of your eyes, your needs and wearing habits, he will choose a diagnostic lens for you to try for a period ranging from a few days to a week.
3. Follow-up and Finalizing the contact lens evaluation
Your doctor will require you to come after about a week for a follow-up evaluation to see how well your lenses suit your eyes. The doctor will also assess your satisfaction from a visual and comfort stand point. This follow-up includes a direct observation of the contact lens on your eye which includes an observation of how well the lens is centered, moves and covers the cornea.
Once the optometrist and the patient are satisfied with the contact lens you will be given a prescription for those particular contact lenses.
Dr Gilberg and Associates are a group of optometrists in North Miami offering contact lenses examinations among other eye care services. In case a contact lens complication arises, our doctors are by your side to address your emergency needs. We work with great optometrists and ophthalmologists in the Miami area who are experts at handling those types of issues.
Get in touch with us today for more information on our full range of services or to make an appointment with our eye doctors in North Miami.
14711 Biscayne Blvd, North Miami, FL 33181